Roman Valentia: First Tour
Welcome to Valencia! Today we will explore primarily the Roman period of Valencia. We will pick up bits and pieces along the way, because history is never tidy, but our focus today is Roman era Valencia. Continue Reading →
Our Historic Adventures Together
About our history as humans and how we have built and destroyed, created and killed, loved and hated.
Welcome to Valencia! Today we will explore primarily the Roman period of Valencia. We will pick up bits and pieces along the way, because history is never tidy, but our focus today is Roman era Valencia. Continue Reading →
I went to Wikipedia to look up a detail about an important building and there was no English article about it. So I fixed it. Such a fun building the Palau de la Generalitat Valenciana. Continue Reading →
As I begin again to write more, I wanted to share with my friends some of what I’ve been reading recently about stoic philosophy. I have found this a fascinating subject. I have had the book with which I started my learning sitting upon my shelf for years. So join me as I learn more about living in tranquility and joy. Continue Reading →
Time travel. We think of it as a way to experience the past, but do we even truly experience the present? And when we read or write about the past, is it really itself, or still a filtered view of our present? Continue Reading →
Arriving in Xi’an, we explore the beautiful city center with its ancient Ming Dynasty monuments, and a trip out to the Qin Dynasty mausoleum with its famous terracotta warriors. Continue Reading →
After a 40 hour train ride rising to more than 11,000 feet, we arrive in Lhasa to see the temples of the Tibetan people, learn of their history, and appreciate the struggle they have with nature and other human groups. Continue Reading →
In 2007, Patrick and I joined Corinne and Tim on the first of what would be many trips around the world. We visited Beijing, Lhasa, Xian, and Tokyo. This is the first story of our Historic Beijing Adventure. Continue Reading →
I am fascinated by this tension between the established history and the limits of our knowledge. I find Mortimer’s historiographical approach very attractive as it provides a way to analyse the evidence we have and perhaps come closer to understanding the point of view of the subject of our study. In this case, our learning is more complete and can better inform our understanding of the world and the society in which we live. Continue Reading →
In this context one can see that the unified entity that we today call the United Kingdom has a long past and not all of it peaceful or willing. This is not unusual in human affairs, but it takes us down the road in understanding the background for the Scottish plebiscite to be held later this year. Continue Reading →